I am back once again with another issue in Washing Machine. It is actually Automatic Washing Machine with top loading type.
I thought for a while, these automatic machines have Lid Switch ,whose main function is to stop washing whenever the lid is open.

Though the lid is closed , I am not sure whether the lid switch is working . So i lifted the lid ,by lifting itself I came to know tat switch is at fault , because you will hear the click sound of the switch every time the lid is lifted and closed, that i didn't hear this time.
I opened the top panel of the machine and found the switch is at fault ,I replaced it with new one and now the Machine works perfectly. In case if you don't get the switch you can directly short circuit the wires.
Inference: Check the Lid Switch.
Listen for click sound while lifting the Lid.
In my previous post regarding water drain problem in washing machine it was purely a technical fault ( problem with motor- gear piston drive) , but this time nothing technical involved.
The problem is with the drain control pump, it is blocked completely with detergents and powder as it is left uncleaned for months . I just removed the hose and drain outlet , it was totally blocked .

I just cleaned it and put back it in place , now every thing works fine .
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Emergency 6v Battery Fluorescent Lamp
This is the most common problem experienced by emergency lamp. http://detail.en.china.cn/provide/detail,1075042340.html whether single or double bulb. When connected to power green light will glow ,but when operated from battery lamp will not glow also the red light.
While charging we can test the battery by pressing the test button , but in this case if u press that button you will end up burning 10E resistor near the push button.
To conclude in short the main cause for this problem is faulty D882 NPN transistor , replace both the transistor , now switch on the lamp after charging the battery , it will be fine.
In case of transformerless power supply you may find only one D882 transistor.